New work
Magazine Work

Here at MG Design we thought we’d show you a selection of some of the pieces of work that we’ve been experimenting with. Above are some experiments we tried out for the Centre Circle Magazine.
Translate your site into different languages

Football Magazines If you’re planning to sell your goods in different countries then you’ll need to have your site in different languages, translated well. Above is a website we’ve created for an Interior Design firm which is based in both the UK and Germany At MG Design we translate every product and page individually for […]
New work: Hot Fuzz Dog Walking

Pet web design. Pet web design. Above is a website we created for a client who walks and looks after cats and dogs. The client wanted something that was simple and easy to use, using elements of the logo which had already been designed. We decided to use a simple white and green colour to […]
New work: Dewett Pharmacademy

Pharmacist academy web design. Online pharmacist academy. Above is a website we created for one of our clients, Dewett Pharmacademy. The company wanted a website where trainee pharmacists could revise and take part in tests in order to become qualified. The site includes a range of facilities such as the option to pay for seminars, […]
New work- Jim Gibbs Entertainment
Wedding singer website. Wedding singer website. Below is a website we recently created for a Wedding singer in Liverpool, Jim Gibbs. The client wanted something that was easy to use, aswell as using colours that matched his logo (black and white) The client was really pleased with the result and has since seen a 40% […]
Emma Priestley Website

Ecommerce sites Firstly After the success of her Interior Design business, One of our clients decided to expand the business by opening her first Interior Design store in Germany. The client wanted an E-commerce site that was easy to use, using subtle colours such as white and light grey to show off how great the […]
Midland Catering: New Work

Catering Catalogue Design Catering Catalogue Design. This a catalogue we created for a Catering company in Leicester. The client asked for something which looked rustic, aswell as having different colours for different sections eg. Red for Clothing and Blue for equipment for Tea rooms etc. We’re a Catering Catalogue Design company in Birmingham. […]
Space Invaders Card

Above is a Space Invaders Card we created for a Client who was a big fan of Arcade games.
Add your Ebay account to your website

eBay link Brand new to MG Design is our new Ebay link feature. With this you can either feature your eBay items directly on your website, or you can have a feature where everytime you add a product to your site it goes straight onto your eBay- you could even have both! With the feature […]
New posts every Friday
Luxury websites This is a website we created for a website offering courses for CPC and ADR Training. The client wanted something that was easy to use, simple and modern.