Graphic Web Designer Birmingham.

Graphic Web Designer Birmingham. Matthew is a Web Design specialist living in Birmingham. Graphic and also Web Designer Birmingham.

Matthew has created SEO for a wide range of companies such as Harvey Nichols and Baylis and Harding. He’s also created work for the NHS and more. Graphic and also Web Designer Birmingham.

SEO specialist in Birmingham.

When creating Graphic and Web Design in Birmingham, Matthew does a range of things, such as:

1) Improving the text. Graphic Web Designer Birmingham.

This involves making the text more relevant to the keywords eg. an Architect in Glasgow could talk about the different buildings he’s designed. He could offer free advice, which would also be good for his business. Aswell as this, every website wanting to go higher needs to pass what’s called a flesh test (details of which can be found here). This is a test which Google uses to rank sites. The better your score is, the more likely you are to be ranked higher.

2) Meta tags and keywords. Graphic and also Web Designer Birmingham.

Aswell as doing work at the front end, it’s also important to do work round the back. This involves having things such as Meta tags. These are words which are inserted round the back, which a Web Developer can do for you. MG Design can also offer this service. (You can get more details by contacting us here).

3) Images. Web Development and also Web Designer Birmingham.

Aswell as text, it’s important to have what’s known as ‘alternative text’. This is something which goes behind your image, meaning that someone can find it on Google more easily. (eg. if you used the alt text ‘great buildings glasgow’ someone searching for this on Google images is more likely to find it). Graphic and also Web Designer Birmingham.

Other important things

4) Web URL. Graphic Designer Birmingham.

Something else that’s important is your Web address. The more your web address relates to you chosen keyword, the better. A good example would be You can also have names that relate to your keyword with subnames. Eg. if you wanted the keyword ‘Graphic Designer in Manchester’, but your site was called webdesignerinmanchester, you could have

This is a very basic list of things you need to great good SEO. We’ll soon be posting more advice soon.

Thanks, Matthew.
Graphic Web Designer Birmingham.