Smoke clouds: New work

Posted by on Feb 4, 2016in New work | 2 Comments
Smoke clouds: New work

Smoke clouds.

Today we’ve uploaded some packaging we designed for Smoke clouds Eliquid. The brief was to create some packaging which was high end and simple, suitable for a small bottle containing the eliquid. There’s also a range of 10 different flavours, so it needed to be versatile.

After creating over 50 different concepts, we finally decided to have a clean black background with a different colour flame effect, representing each flavour e.g. red representing strawberry and cream. (Please see below)

The client was really impressed with the work, and has already asked us to create another range of packaging 🙂

You can buy the liquid at Thanks for reading our page 🙂

  • Smoke clouds
  • Smoke clouds
  • Smoke clouds




  1. Sarah
    18 March 2016

    Great work Matt 🙂

    • matthewgrocott
      19 March 2016

      Cheers Sarah 🙂