Midland Catering: New Work

Posted by on Sep 7, 2017in New work | 2 Comments
Midland Catering: New Work

Catering Catalogue Design

Catering Catalogue Design.

  • Catering Catalogue Design
  • Catering Catalogue Design


This a catalogue we created for a Catering company in Leicester. The client asked for something which looked rustic, aswell as having different colours for different sections eg. Red for Clothing and Blue for equipment for Tea rooms etc.

We’re a Catering Catalogue Design company in Birmingham. We create quality Design work at an affordable price for over 6 years.Catering Catalogue Design

We can create a range of work, such as:Web Design,Video editing,SEO,Email Design. Aswell as Web Design, we can also create Social Media management,Logo Design,Book covers,Packaging and more. We’ve worked for a range of clients, such as: Harvey Nichols, NHS, Baylis and Harding, and Birmingham City University. Catering Catalogue Design. Thanks for coming to the site. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Matthew. Aswell as Design, we can create a range of services.


Today is the 31st January 2015. I’m looking forward to my holiday in Gran Canaria. Rahul said that he wants to go away, but I’m not sure. If I do go, we’ll be off to Belgium. This would be some time in August. The brochure above was created for a Catering company in Leicester. It was created in early 2014. It was created by Matthew Grocott.

For more details, simply contact us using the details supplied on our Contact page. You can email us at matthewgrocott@aol.com. You can call us. There is also a range of different pages available on our website. We hope you enjoy our site. If there’s anything you’d like help with, please contact us. Many thanks,Matthew. As mentioned earlier, I am a Designer creating Catering Catalogue Designs.


We’ve created Catering brochures for a range of clients such as Harvey Nichols, Style Birmingham, Birmingham City University and more. We’ve also created a range of services such as Powerpoint Design, Email and Ebay Design and more. Aswell as brochures, we’ve created Web Designer Northfield work since 2009. In addition to this it’s also a job that I really enjoy. I like to make my clients happy, and always intend to create the best work possible.

We have many happy clients. You can see their reviews on our review page. If you have any other queries, please feel free to ask us. Catering Catalogue and Catering Design..


  1. Leon
    7 April 2016

    Great work Matt

    • matthewgrocott
      7 April 2016

      Thanks Leon 🙂